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    Saturday, July 23, 2005
    Surrounded by shit.

    It is good to be consumed by hatred once in a while, or to intensely dislike certain things. It is gnarly to feel strongly about certain things and not just stupidly sit on the fence on every bloody issue. People who are guilty of that should also be guilty of being a bastard without opinions, go burn yourself, freaking sheeps.
    I have a long list of shit that I dislike, the list is well and alive, writhing and it never stops growing. I do try to stem its growth, occasionally. First off, I hate those pretentious Chinese basketballers with those oversized gaudy shorts and unsightly basketball shoes. They look so fucking bogus, they are trying too hard to look like negros. This also applies for those skateboarders. I love skateboarding but I cannot skate for shit. You fuckers cannot do shit either so do not fucking prance around pretending to be Geoff Rowley. Bloody counterfeits. You people are merely dirt. Some of my friends are like these, and as much as I hate this shit, they are still my treasured buddies.
    I hate mandarin songs with english parts in it. I do not know anything about the mandarin music industry but those shit that I hear on the televison is bad enough. Why the fuck are they inserting those pathetic snippets of English phrases into mandarin songs? And those phrases are those typically fucked 'Oh baby' kind of shit. It is so fucking ridiculous that I am getting riled up just thinking about it. I cannot fathom why they are doing so, maybe they are trying to demonstrate their English speaking capabilities. Ironically, their English standard is a load of shit. Do you see Chinese phrases in English songs? They should really stop trying to imitate the Westerners, it makes me embarrassed to be a Chinese. Coincidentally, I am very proud of my heritage so those people should either change or go slit their own wrists.
    I hate people who speak in a fucking fake accent. It is either you have it or you do not. No point pretending to be oh so gnarly with your angmoh slang. You are a fucking Chinese so be fucking proud of it. I also abhor girls who act so sickeningly sweet and cute. No one will ever buy that shit that you are putting up. You are just falling straight down smack on your ugly faces. It so vulgarly ostentatious. I feel like wringing your fucking necks, let's see then if you are still able to speak with that gay slang or still be capable of acting so cute. Fucking loud kids who act as if they are so freaking great and skilled should be wiped off the face of this earth too. Fucking children pretending to be hotshots around the court and then crumbling to pieces when in it. We will not say anything to you shitkids about your fucked attitudes outside the court, but when you gits get into the court for real we will whoop your bloody tender asses and teach you a thing or two about soccer. We will show you some real skills, and genuine greatness.
    I hate Arsenal too. They, in general are moronic, useless sissies. Currently I am in such a horribly foul mood that I do not want to fucking carry on typing shit. Maybe I will continue another time.

    Posted at 8:59 pm