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    Tuesday, June 28, 2005
    My old buddy, Gan Huai Shit.

    Hello asshole.
    This entry is dedicated to you, dear old fucking friend you.
    M7, how subtle.
    I have not seen you in a long time, although we've been in contact. We should get together some day, even if the sole reason for us meeting up is for me to show you some Philip Gan ass-whooping moves for calling me a sappy bastard. All I remember about your love life is Jo, which you conveniently dismissed as some childish impulse. Hey, come to my place and we can have sleep-overs again. And then we can once again indulge in silly kiddish gay lanjiao games, like mageknight. Damn, I still can't believe how we spent a fortune on that shit.
    So long, Gan Huai Shit. Don't forget my bday, you lousy motherfucker. The street soccer ball is still around, but the Naboo fighter is dead. I think.
    If only we were back in Chongfu. Even though we were stupid and young then, I had a blast.
    Since we are on this topic, let's take the chance to reminisce about the Chongfu days.
    I remember how we always went to that bloody hill, with Selene, YanNi, KeWei, YuQun and you. The hill trips were hot-shit, that faggot JunYuan and MingHui always wanted to tag along but were vehemently chased away. Our little clique had no place for gays. I hated the stuff we did on the hill, swings, candles and running around. For me it was more of the company than the activities. I remember how KeWei always tripped YanNi, and how she would scream and shit. We would throw stones at the pavilion roof and at each other. We would also try to set the grass on fire and strategically place huge stones on the road for cars to roll over, but we never did manage to puncture their wheels or cause an accident. What a waste, we suck. I remember when I rolled down that fucking steep hill. I nearly broke my neck.
    And then there's the Galactus episode, you are Galactus 02, I am Galactus 01. We would then proceed to masquerade as world-conquerors. Damn, it was fun.
    Our mandarin sucked, but somehow we were in the higher mother tongue program. We hated the lessons, we hardly even paid attention. Mrs. Morris Chan is a freak of nature, she sucked too.
    Then there was this time when I bestowed the name Philip upon you, and Phyllis for YanNi. Since you guys were such good friends I felt that our names should have something in common, P, P, P.
    And then there's Cheris Chay, that crazy bitch. She liked us, but we didn't like her. I remember how we used to bully and tease her. Damn, were we mean or what. We used to buy those stupid ink pens from the bookshop because those ink pens sucked! They leaked ink! And that's the clincher. We would flick those goddamn pens at her and she would be splattered with ink. OH THE FUN! HanSheng was hardcore when it came to Cheris Chay, he's the ultimate Cheris Chay Champion bully-guy. OH THE FUN! Then there's always that Yap Zhen Ting, the Cheris Chay sidekick with that funky mushroom head freak hairstyle.
    Then we also used to catch spiders and crickets and pit them in battle. And how I went to your house and kidnapped your Undertaker and some lego shit.
    I still have lots of stuff the write about, maybe I'll continue another day. Contribute, old friend who are reading this. It's amazing how these seemingly insignificant incidents remain so vividly clear in my mind. And they're like 5, 6 fucking years ago. It's the details that matter, it's the memories that shape us.

    Posted at 11:02 am