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    Sunday, November 06, 2005
    4E5 (2004).

    My former class, the fantastic Four Express Five (2004) of the smashing YTSS had a barbecue on Friday.
    It was gratifying to see my old friends and teachers again, especially the buddies and Ms. Siti.
    It was a blast, marred only but my silliness in neglecting the fact that Precious would worry when there is no news from me. For that I apologise.
    Okay, back to it being a blast.
    Appearances altered through the form of silly hairstyles, silly clothing, silly accessories etc. But aside from that, nothing has really changed. It is surprising how easily we are reverted back to the good old days where fun and laughter were the priority, where jokes and pranks were commonplace. Each and every member of 4E5 immediately slid into a unique and comfortable cohesiveness, and for that I am proud to be a member of
    But it was disappointing that Farhan the fucker, Irfan the Idiot and CheeHeng the cheebye were absent from this gathering. And they are among my best buddies!
    Farhan and Irfan were occupied by Raya, but CheeHeng the Cheebye was simply too lazy to move his ass.
    Everything was just like the old days, except that I forgot to bring a deck of cards. I have always been the one in-charge of the cards. How can 4E5 do without gambling? Everyone was itching to lose some cash to me after such a long respite, darn, I should have brought the cards.

    Another thing, I was the only one wearing the class tee-shirt. Check out the barcode design on the front, is it not reminiscent of the barcode on Slipknot's jumpsuits? All credit goes to me, my fellow maggots.

    I managed to persuade JunYang into posing for photographs along with me at the Koi Pond. He was utterly oblivious to my prominently malevolent intentions. And so, we began posing, with Selene behind the lenses.

    Following that, I told JunYang to stand on that jutting slab of stone at the edge of the pond. As he was attempting to balance himself, I inched closer by the second, and spectacularly rounded it off by shoving him into the Koi pond. He tumbled in with a huge splash, somehow skidded across the length of the pond and literally flipped himself out the water, all these while stupidly gurgling "urrgggh, urgghhghghg.'
    I could not cease my laughter even when he began flinging dangerous objects my way.
    He removed his wet clothing, and enjoyed the rest of the gathering in his nice, sexy shorts.

    This picture is blurred to protect JunYang's modesty.
    He did not get angry, as expected. There is an unspoken agreement among our group that pranks should never get entwined with anger. Either way, I apologise. But you cannot deny that it was an experience unlike any other, yes, JunYang?

    We tried our hands at wrestling, to disastrous results.

    That jovial, smiling lady in the long sleeves is Ms. Siti. I like Ms. Siti.

    My trademark pose, which everyone seems to relish in mimicking.

    I revel in stupidity.

    The utilisation of fancy photo-effects in an attempt to mask JunYang's inherent denseness and the gayness of my scowl.

    Posted at 2:08 pm